A Message from Our Chairman

Our museum is addressing a contradiction; arguably one of the most fundamental contradictions of humanity. It is how humans should face the rapid development of our ever-evolving societies and civilizations. What we are dealing with is not just a matter of supply and demand in business or simply a matter of technological progress. The most pressing issue is the question of how to unite the citizens of Earth, to consolidate everyone’s efforts to help the human race evolve.

We envision a world where there are no gaps of prejudice separating different cultures and ethnicities, such that cultures from all over the world and historical backgrounds can understand, accept, and collaborate with each other, together. We are now living in the day and age where science and technology have reached the pinnacle of human innovation. We can harness this opportunity to take a crucial qualitative step in the evolution of human society, to truly become superhumans. This could potentially extend human life and enable us to become multi-planetary beings. However, at the same time, the rapid development of science and technology can also easily lead to the destruction of human civilization. Due to the scarcity of Earth’s resources, the imbalance of regional development, and the lack of trust or friendliness between different ethnic groups or countries, many conflicts are increasing, and many more are impending. It can be said that humanity is being accelerated towards extinction, including the possibility of nuclear war.

Our goal is to inform as many people as possible about this fact; to unite as many people as possible. We can use our power in numbers along with our financial, intellectual, and material resources to strengthen the bond between different races, ethnic groups, or countries, and to avoid the possibility of high-intensity conflicts. We must utilize our resources, including our technological capabilities, to resist the natural disasters and celestial catastrophes we may face. Humans are fascinating species! We have the ability to adapt and overcome. We can endure failures and persevere through them, no matter how the odds might look. We can make the impossible possible. But we can not just wish for miracles, we need to make it happen. Therefore, we need to evolve, so if we can repurpose the strength we use to fight each other into something that can help us unite and evolve together, then we can maintain world peace. This allows us to leave the Earth and enable our descendants to travel through the vast universe for generations after us, gaining more of its resources. As the ancestors of our descendants, it is our duty to lay a better foundation for our children, to provide them with better conditions, and to give them the opportunity to travel through the stars and become a more powerful species. That way, we can channel the space’s resources into building and continuing our legacy, our civilization. However, all of this begins with world peace.

Regardless of the fate of humanity, our efforts to create great miracles are of great significance. We never really fail, because we are never afraid to approach the problem, and that is what’s phenomenal about us. This sense of perseverance and determination is what will allow our civilization to spread across the cosmos, making us the founders of a great new human race that future generations can be proud of.

Philip Qiu
April 28, 2024