The Chinese American story is an American story.

Our mission is to create a museum with a fresh voice for an underrepresented and often erased history. We set out to inspire everyone within our reach by illustrating the incredible sacrifice, accomplishments, and spirit of Chinese Americans.

Connect with our project by joining our mailing list, become a member, or support us in a multitude of other ways. Have some other question or idea? Simply email us at

For more than 200 years, Chinese in America have made great sacrifices, overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, and served a critical role in our country’s success. From hardship and perseverance to ingenuity and leadership, the Chinese American experience is a story about American resilience and fortitude.

Today, Chinese Americans, ranging from the most recent citizens to fifth generation families, represent a full spectrum of professions, industries, arts and culture, government, and military service. No story is the same. Each is part of a rich history of tragedy and triumph that features the accomplishments of both prominent and lesser-known Chinese Americans … from everyday citizens to titans of industry. 

  • The Chinese American Museum Foundation (Chinese American Museum DC) is a United States-based, 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 82-1782141, with offices at 1218 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.

    First conceived in 2017 and in early development since 2018, the museum’s mission is to advance the understanding, knowledge, and appreciation of the Chinese American experience by highlighting the history, culture, spirit, and contributions of Chinese Americans to our nation and beyond. Our core projects are to build and develop the first permanent museum in downtown Washington, DC dedicated to Chinese American topics as well as provide a full complement of exhibitions, programs, events, and online content that go beyond the “bricks and mortar” walls of our physical space.

    The organization is dedicated to financial-, operational-, and mission-related transparency and strives to be politically and geopolitically neutral in all matters. Financial statements are audited by third-party firms and publicly available upon request.

    The Chinese American Museum solicits and depends on contributions from the general public, individuals, corporations, foundations, and institutional grants. The museum and its programs are not funded, controlled, or influenced by any foreign government.

  • Chinese American Museum
    1218 16th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036

    (202) 838-3180

    For Press inquires please email