Specify your Support for a Program, Exhibit, or Initiative

You can specify that your contribution, of any size, be applied directly to a permanent or special exhibit, program, or event that is meaningful to your interests and objectives.

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Permanent exhibits are part of the core presentation of the museum covering the key components of Chinese American history, culture, and achievement. These exhibits are curated, designed, and intended for an impact and lifespan of at least 10 years or more.

Building America is a permanent exhibit featuring some of the greatest historical contributions and sacrifices of Chinese immigrants toward the country’s infrastructure. While this story gives much attention to the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad it also includes accomplishments in industry, agriculture, and technology. This important yet underrepresented part of American history reveals the fortitude and determination of Chinese in America and sets the stage for a complex history to follow.

Total Funding Needed for this Permanent Exhibit - $90,000

Service to Country - From public office and the diplomatic corps to the front lines of military service, Chinese Americans have and continue to be part of the American process and the sacrifices that have made this country possible. This permanent exhibit highlights Chinese Americans that made indelible contributions to our society serving in the U.S. military since the Civil War, in diplomacy, and public and uniformed service. They have led, protected, and served their country with distinction.

Total Funding Needed for this Permanent Exhibit - $90,000

American Communities comprises a core section of our permanent exhibits illustrating the diverse places that Chinese in Americans have lived or currently live. It explores Chinese communities ranging from fishing villages and railroad camps to major metropolitan areas of today. We explore the emergence and necessity of historical Chinatowns, the future of these communities, and the new, suburban Chinatowns that now exist. We also examine lesser-known populations such as those in the Mississippi Delta or Hawaii.

Total Funding Needed for this Permanent Exhibit - $75,000

Chinese American Diaspora is an interpretive exhibit meant to convey the context and diverse nature of the Chinese diaspora in relation to United States immigration across geographical origins, migration and pathways, time and pivotal moments in international and U.S. history. The design is a digitally projected map that takes advantage of the museum’s dramatic, large fourth floor curved wall above the four-story staircase. As an overlay over a map, the digital projection would animate information showing different aspects of the diaspora story. A fixed, horizontal railing would also contribute to the narrative.

Total Funding Needed for this Permanent Exhibit - $65,000

Exclusion and the Fight for Civil Rights is a permanent display continuing where Building America leaves owith regards to Anti-Chinese sentiment and discusses the socio-political events that lead up to a long era of Chinese exclusion in America. Like other parts of history, exclusion is grossly underrepresented and if not unknown. This is designed as a non-digital, analog display that is an “island” in the middle of the main second floor gallery central to the permanent exhibits.

Total Funding Needed for this Permanent Exhibit - $40,000

Contemporary Chinese Americans is a series of permanent exhibits placed throughout the museum.

highlighting Chinese Americans that have made significant contributions to American society in various fields, including business, science, technology, art, and culture. From successful entrepreneurs and innovative scientists to award-winning artists and influential political leaders, Chinese Americans have played a vital role in shaping the fabric of American life. Through this series of exhibits, we aim to celebrate the achievements of Chinese Americans and showcase their diverse and inspiring stories.

Total Funding Needed for this Permanent Exhibit (12 installations) - $120,000

Average Funding Needed for single contemporary kiosk - $10,000

Special exhibits are part of the dynamic, rotating content at the museum. These exhibits are on display typically for 6-12 months and allow the museum to incorporate a wide variety of historical, arts and cultural, and thematic topics. Consider supporting an upcoming special exhibit.